Saturday, March 12, 2011

Welcome to our Crazy Cafe...

Mike, Vicki, and I are new to this entire "blogging" scene; but it is something we are all pretty excited to be doing together (I hope). It's definitely a learning experience for me already...humbling, too (I'm pretty sure Greek IS easier).
We'll discuss everything from books we've read to the writing craft, our pre-publishing adventures and the joys and pitfalls that go with choosing writing as a career path. I think each one of us is almost "there," (however "there" is defined) and this is the next logical step. But I tell you, it's also a bit scary... putting myself out there for public censor is not top on my list of to-do's.
So, Why (you ask) should you join us on our blog?
Will we have contests? Yes! Most definitely!
At some undisclosed time in the distant future...
Will we have parties? Absolutely!
The kind with all of the best sins and the naughtiest revelry!
Of coarse, they will be virtual parties, so you'll have to use your imagination...
Will there be chocolate?
Heck no! That stuff WILL KILL YOU!
Will we have famous and infamous guest bloggers? Without a doubt!
Although who YOU consider famous and who I do might be a TAD bit different!
But we will (with an ounce of luck and a pound of bribery) have a Great Time!
(and maybe once in a while, for special occasions, we'll have chocolate)
So grab a Latte and let's talk writing!


  1. Contests? Sheesh, nobody told me about contests!

    See there Marne, you made me use one of my exclamation points and I only get ten this life.

    Alright, we'll do some contests. I have an idea or two. Maybe naughty contests. (You started it.)

    But first we need some followers.

    Good post Marne.

  2. Hi Marne,
    Great looking blog! Looking forward to reading it regularly! It is scary at first, putting yourself out there in a blog. What? Have lattes but chocolate only on special occasions? What gives?
